Manage your leads and target your advertising strategy towards potential leads through unlimited chains, all from one tool. LeadChain transfers your lead data from social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and TikTok Lead Ads in real time, instantly helping you convert them into customers. It also optimizes your Facebook and LinkedIn Ads by sending data back to network and re-targeting the users who are most likely to convert, saving you time and effort.
Zoho offers a comprehensive suite of award-winning on-line business, productivity & collaboration applications. Customers use Zoho Applications to run their business processes, manage their information and be more productive while at the office or on the go, without having to worry about expensive or outdated hardware or software
Note: Your review, along with your details (name and profile photo), will be visible to all users. The vendor will be notified (upon approval after the moderation process). They may contact you for further information to enhance their application. The review will be visible in all data centers where the extension is available.